A 28-year-old man from Syria propoused to a woman in Piteå - but got no. He then became so injured that he immediately locked the woman's mother in the bedroom where he expelled her to a very brutal and sadistic rape
Piteå is a city in Sweden.
onsdag 31 januari 2018
tisdag 30 januari 2018
Gud, Hen Höna eller Tupp?
Hen är ett fult och dåligt ord som inte behövs i svenskan. Varför göra något otydligt som är bestämt. Han och Hon som finns i en massa språk.
Genesis 27: "Och Gud skapade människona sig till et beläte. till Guds beläte skapade han honom, Man och kvinno skapade han dem."
Orden har ju ändrats och bytts sen detta trycktes men hen tycker jag inte lämpar sig nånstans. Inte bara här i bibeln men över allt det borde skrotas.
Todays selected comments from USA on President Trump.
Atu: With bottom of our heart. We need more people like you who work for reality not politics. Vert few presidents has done this kind of outstanding work. You are facing opposition because you are walking on right path. Keep it up and keep the faith. God is with you now and forever
David: President Trump you make me proud to be an American.....thank you for what you are doing. God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.
The truth outsid the walls off the P-K acepptet oppinion corridore. Som syltryggar icke förmå...
Is Sweden lost?
Maybe but no need hate it just see to what it is about. Founded by the "perfect" human as at 53 married 6 year old child and penetrated her when she 9 years old.
måndag 29 januari 2018
Katerina Janouch I Nyheter i Dag.
The newspaper Aftonbladet celebrated the Mustasch Prydde (Hitler) and adopted a purely anti-Semitic stance, "the same thought figures as in Goebbels dictation", as Aftonblad's writer Karin Pettersson himself expresses it. No beautiful past, thus. That Ingvar Kamprad as young sympathized with Nazism is perhaps not so strange. It also made Stefan Löfven's grandfather, just to mention another famous profile with a "brown" past.
Where do I want to come? Perhaps just because society seems to be traced out completely. Polarization in full bloom, hysterical outcomes and wild agendas. And in the middle of all, a sad lack of style, class and dignity. A great entrepreneur who has probably done more for the positive Sweden image than any other Swedish ever deserves better than getting hedged in this way.
söndag 28 januari 2018
Todays Comment is chosen from Sweden.
Rolf X: Sweden has a big IDIOT to control the country raising the payers' money on luxury migrants but that's what Sweden wants because she has voted for it, Sweden how many pensioners voted for the Sosse bunch because their parents just did it , a question The Sossians are not what they have been. Take a proper think of on whom you will be voting this next time.
lördag 27 januari 2018
fredag 26 januari 2018
Kan någon mera ta CNN på alvar...
Can anyone take CNN seriously??? its a Hatesite directed against the president.
Todays selected comment.
Michael X: Obama himself said the country would collapse if Trump was elected ... Obama himself said that the growth rate we are having now was IMPOSSIBLE ... All those numbers that are rising (GDP Growth, The stock market, Jobs) and all the numbers that are dropping daily (Unemployment, Illegal immigration, Terrorist attacks) all those things Obama himself said there were IMPOSSIBLE are happening, and now you want to give that credit to Obama?!?!?!? LMAOOOOOO You clowns are so delusional.
torsdag 25 januari 2018
CNN’s Anderson Cooper LOSES IT After Alan Dershowitz Issues Bulletproof ...
Man kan ju ifrågasätta FBI och Müllers trovärdighet i sammanhanget eftersom FBI läckan ansåg man inte kan ta risken Trump blir vald före presidentvalet. Anderson Cooper på CNN verkar också ytterst fanatisk och hans motiv och insats i Trump jakten kan ifrågasättas. Verkar som media här sväljer det mesta av Newyork Times och CNNs propaganda, hela Ryssland colussionen luktar riktigt illa. Har ju hänt en del positivt under Trump i USA också få se hur allt slutar, media skruvar upp och gräver intensivt i försöken att svärta ner Trump ytterligare.
Vart går Sverige?
Att kritisera en ideologi kan inte vara hets mot folkgrupp, Sverige blir tokigare och tokigare. Folk får ju vara rädda att uttala sig.
måndag 22 januari 2018
söndag 21 januari 2018
List from Swedish Samhällsnytt, some fakemedia.
Its from the debate signature write,not from magazine itself.
Some fake media: svt, dn, svd, express, aftonbladet, cnn, bbc. euronews, new york times and many more pole shooters that generally only publish conscious lies or half-truths around the clock.
En verkligt fin artikel av Huvfudstadsbladet.
Some fake media: svt, dn, svd, express, aftonbladet, cnn, bbc. euronews, new york times and many more pole shooters that generally only publish conscious lies or half-truths around the clock.
En verkligt fin artikel av Huvfudstadsbladet.
Let`s read one womans of meny, her oppinion.
Melisa : Avoiding the real issue, manipulating facts to all of us, just stop! Stop making DACA a part of the budget! DACA needs it’s own discussion and needs to be dealt with separately!!!
From covfefe to shitholes
People are indoctrinated by the media who only report negatively about the person Trump, then they hide the positive ones. HBL has an honest article about Trump's first year. Cofefe is a spelling mistake and already wiped out such an attempt to ridicule Trump. Its hehe beutifully fine with a politically incorekt president. I have no reason to defend Trump, but just how easy it is to start a mob, CNN analyzes are most about personal attacks, unsuitable to pull in KKK and racism in everything but if the arguments are not there it become so. One might wonder, for example, how Anderson Cooper is looking at himself, he who cryed crocodile tears over Haiti, probably it was shithouse-statesTrump said, if it's a matter of importance. It is best understood that it's not about people but their leaders are responsible for teh mess if they are corrupted themselves but do not do anything for the people just let them live in a shithole.
lördag 20 januari 2018
Trump chat Jan 20
Donald J. Trump
Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!
Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!
Shitholes II
Case in point-former advisor to Hillary Clinton and rabid Israel hater Max Blumenthal, took to Twitter lambasting Trump’s “obscenely racist remarks”.
Apparently, the logic goes as follows-calling countries with predominantly black populations ‘shit holes’ is racist.
There’s just one problem. The Soros backed Blumenthal has on several occasions referred to Israel as an ‘Apartheid’ state and an ‘occupier’. This begs the question-How can calling black countries ‘shit holes’ be racist but calling the only Jewish country ‘apartheid’ not be considered antisemitic? After all, both are disparaging remarks about a country with a clear majority comprised of a certain ethnicity.
Case in point-former advisor to Hillary Clinton and rabid Israel hater Max Blumenthal, took to Twitter lambasting Trump’s “obscenely racist remarks”.
Apparently, the logic goes as follows-calling countries with predominantly black populations ‘shit holes’ is racist.
There’s just one problem. The Soros backed Blumenthal has on several occasions referred to Israel as an ‘Apartheid’ state and an ‘occupier’. This begs the question-How can calling black countries ‘shit holes’ be racist but calling the only Jewish country ‘apartheid’ not be considered antisemitic? After all, both are disparaging remarks about a country with a clear majority comprised of a certain ethnicity.
fredag 19 januari 2018
torsdag 18 januari 2018
Jp: Another mistake made by Billy boy Clinton. What was he thinking with Nafta or by giving N Korea 2 nuclear reactors and a boatload of cash? He must have been smoking Monica's cigar.
Today I chose few comments opposite to the witch-hunt ones
Joshua : Lol...on election night, Democrats, Liberals, and Trump antagonists came out and said it was “Trump’s fault” that the stock market crashed on that night and will continue under his presidency, then the economy is growing and stocks have never been higher under a Trump Presidency, now Democrats/Liberals/Trump Antagonists are praising Obama for it. The hypocrisy of Liberals.
Ashley : CNN is by far the most dishonest, corrupt media organization. It’s all about ratings, power and paycheck for these bottom feeders. There is no moral conscience, no respect, certainly no ethics! CNN is a big reason I’m no longer a democrat. They are a gross display of what American journalism has turned into. Bully people over their weight is low.
Troy : I'm glad we have a President who defends himself and calls people out instead of just letting the media attack him non-stop. Just look at the positive articles on this page alone compared to the negative ones. Not saying everything he does is right, but he deserves a chance that he has yet to be given.
Ashley : CNN is by far the most dishonest, corrupt media organization. It’s all about ratings, power and paycheck for these bottom feeders. There is no moral conscience, no respect, certainly no ethics! CNN is a big reason I’m no longer a democrat. They are a gross display of what American journalism has turned into. Bully people over their weight is low.
Troy : I'm glad we have a President who defends himself and calls people out instead of just letting the media attack him non-stop. Just look at the positive articles on this page alone compared to the negative ones. Not saying everything he does is right, but he deserves a chance that he has yet to be given.
tisdag 16 januari 2018
måndag 15 januari 2018
This man looks a bit confused. Demos more and more desperate.
Political correct maniaks see racisim everywhere, they want to see it, but this is just taktically snakes. They fight in a shithole by every means. Biggest horror to Demos is if Trump manage.
En massa bittra vänsterliberaler som fasar över om Trump skulle lyckas. Ekonomin har svängt vilket nu erkänts av experter. Sen sitter demokraterna plågade av sina hemoroider på skithuset och funderar sa han det eller shithålet.
Political correct maniaks see racisim everywhere, they want to see it, but this is just taktically snakes. They fight in a shithole by every means. Biggest horror to Demos is if Trump manage.
En massa bittra vänsterliberaler som fasar över om Trump skulle lyckas. Ekonomin har svängt vilket nu erkänts av experter. Sen sitter demokraterna plågade av sina hemoroider på skithuset och funderar sa han det eller shithålet.
An investigation in Germany
Analysen visade att en av tre (29,9 procent) av de muslimska studenterna som besvarade undersökningens frågor kan ”tänka mig att slåss för islam och riskera mitt liv”. Nästan lika stor andel (27,4 procent) Uttalandet höll med om påståendet att ”islamiska sharia-lagar, enligt vilka exempelvis äktenskapsbrott och homosexualitet straffas hårt, är mycket bättre än de tyska lagarna”.
Påfallande många stödde även våld som syftar till att främja islam, somliga även IS framfart och terroristattacker med målet att skapa en islamisk stat. 3,8 procent höll med om påståendet att ”muslimer får för att nå sina mål om det behövs begå terroristattacker”. Nästan en femtedel (19,8 procent) ställde sig bakom uttalandet ”muslimer är förtryckta över hela världen och måste de försvara sig med våld”.
Analysen visade att en av tre (29,9 procent) av de muslimska studenterna som besvarade undersökningens frågor kan ”tänka mig att slåss för islam och riskera mitt liv”. Nästan lika stor andel (27,4 procent) Uttalandet höll med om påståendet att ”islamiska sharia-lagar, enligt vilka exempelvis äktenskapsbrott och homosexualitet straffas hårt, är mycket bättre än de tyska lagarna”.
Påfallande många stödde även våld som syftar till att främja islam, somliga även IS framfart och terroristattacker med målet att skapa en islamisk stat. 3,8 procent höll med om påståendet att ”muslimer får för att nå sina mål om det behövs begå terroristattacker”. Nästan en femtedel (19,8 procent) ställde sig bakom uttalandet ”muslimer är förtryckta över hela världen och måste de försvara sig med våld”.
söndag 14 januari 2018
lördag 13 januari 2018
CNN and Crying Krokodiles
Jehe, there is the brainwashed PK, exceptions confirm the rule, the deplorables probably have something belove the cap.
Do not swallow everything thing from "Antinpoika Kooper
Hehe, det finns ju det hjärntvättade PK, undantag bekräftar regeln, the deplorables probably have something belove the cap.
Inte sväljer allt från "Anttipoika Kooper".
fredag 12 januari 2018
Skithålsländer Asshole-countries The deplorable said Hillary.
Om de här länderna är så bra varför vill folk lämna dem. jag förstår ju om folk vill fly till Sverige, tillsvidare. Men USA har vad jag vet inget sådant socialt system. Jag förstår ju att jobba svart är bättre i USA än knappheten i de här länderna förutsatt man är och sund. CNN ser idag ugt som ett söndrat getingbo. Har svårt att tro på äktheten i surret, finns nog andra intressen bakom varje utbrott där.
Seem as Trump spoke of Countries that is "shitholes", Hillary said The deplorable thats the people ...
If these countries are so good why would people leave them. I understand if people want to fly to Sweden, at last. But the United States has what I know no such social system. I understand that working black is better in the United States than the scarcity of these countries provided one is healthy. CNN today looks like a broken getingbo. Having difficulty believing in the authenticity of the broom, there are other interests behind each outbreak there.
Om de här länderna är så bra varför vill folk lämna dem. jag förstår ju om folk vill fly till Sverige, tillsvidare. Men USA har vad jag vet inget sådant socialt system. Jag förstår ju att jobba svart är bättre i USA än knappheten i de här länderna förutsatt man är och sund. CNN ser idag ugt som ett söndrat getingbo. Har svårt att tro på äktheten i surret, finns nog andra intressen bakom varje utbrott där.
Seem as Trump spoke of Countries that is "shitholes", Hillary said The deplorable thats the people ...
If these countries are so good why would people leave them. I understand if people want to fly to Sweden, at last. But the United States has what I know no such social system. I understand that working black is better in the United States than the scarcity of these countries provided one is healthy. CNN today looks like a broken getingbo. Having difficulty believing in the authenticity of the broom, there are other interests behind each outbreak there.
torsdag 11 januari 2018
Muslim converts to Christianity after learning Allah is the pagan cresce...
If one is religious or not doesn´t matter here. Those 2 religions is opposite to each other. Without lies is easy see Islam is evil.
tisdag 9 januari 2018
Fake News
Fake News is characterized by the fact that the source can not be controlled, it is "a high service man", a person with insight "which is the same as" everyone knows "and" it is said in town "pure gossip.
Reference to verifiable sources is, or previously, the main rule in serious media reporting.
"Media" has for several days been bullied about a collection of scorns, "Fire & Fury", written by an ignorant journalist Wolff, a bunch of gossip and lies in a yummy mix. The book has been treated by Media as if the content were serious. Media, nor HBL has asked for the sources. Media trusts Wolff could be true but unfortunately they know the man's background and reputation. The bug is because the media in the United States publish everything negative, about Trump. However, Trump has been elected president and a great deal has come to grips with the medias' angles. According to Gallup, more than 1/2 of the population doubt that the media are aiming to report truthfully and obscene. The loss of trust is the media's own fault. This has changed the meaning of "Fake News". It now stands for highly angled or completely false news from the United States.
Fake News is characterized by the fact that the source can not be controlled, it is "a high service man", a person with insight "which is the same as" everyone knows "and" it is said in town "pure gossip.
Reference to verifiable sources is, or previously, the main rule in serious media reporting.
"Media" has for several days been bullied about a collection of scorns, "Fire & Fury", written by an ignorant journalist Wolff, a bunch of gossip and lies in a yummy mix. The book has been treated by Media as if the content were serious. Media, nor HBL has asked for the sources. Media trusts Wolff could be true but unfortunately they know the man's background and reputation. The bug is because the media in the United States publish everything negative, about Trump. However, Trump has been elected president and a great deal has come to grips with the medias' angles. According to Gallup, more than 1/2 of the population doubt that the media are aiming to report truthfully and obscene. The loss of trust is the media's own fault. This has changed the meaning of "Fake News". It now stands for highly angled or completely false news from the United States.
måndag 8 januari 2018
söndag 7 januari 2018
lördag 6 januari 2018
FBI verkar corrumperat. CNN seem be bought?
Kan väl stämma att Trump inte trodde på att han skulle bli Presiden, det förklarar ju lite av hans taktik och språkbruk. Annars tror jag inte en rappakalja bok har nägon annan betydelse än att den fyller fickorna på upphovsmännen med dollars. Monika Lewinsky skrev visst också en bok. CNN beter sig så huvudlöst att man börjar fundera om de är köpta till sin hatkampanj. Det handlar ju om folkets val men också FBI ser ut att ha smutsbyk i påsen inte bara Clintonfoundation. Hehe FBI kunde alltså inte ta risken Trump blir president. Nu verkar Ryssland kortet inte bita då tar man upp presidentens mentala olämplighet. sarka odemokratiska krafter inom det utestängda etablissemanget har aktiverats i en våldsam kampanj.
May be true that Trump did not believe he would become President, it explains some of his tactics and language usage. Otherwise, I do not think a rapeseed book has any other meaning than to fill the pockets of the authors with dollars. Monika Lewinsky also wrote a book. CNN behaves so headlessly that they begin to think if they are bought for their hatred campaign. It's about the people's choices but the FBI also seems to have dirt bumps in the bag, not just Clintonfoundation. Hehe FBI could not take the risk. Trump becomes president. Now Russia does not seem to bite when the president's mental inequality is taken up. sarcastic undemocratic forces within the untimely establishment have been activated in a violent campaign.
May be true that Trump did not believe he would become President, it explains some of his tactics and language usage. Otherwise, I do not think a rapeseed book has any other meaning than to fill the pockets of the authors with dollars. Monika Lewinsky also wrote a book. CNN behaves so headlessly that they begin to think if they are bought for their hatred campaign. It's about the people's choices but the FBI also seems to have dirt bumps in the bag, not just Clintonfoundation. Hehe FBI could not take the risk. Trump becomes president. Now Russia does not seem to bite when the president's mental inequality is taken up. sarcastic undemocratic forces within the untimely establishment have been activated in a violent campaign.
torsdag 4 januari 2018
A Finnish person has been cheated on large sums in connection with the purchase of virtual currency bitcoin. The police station in western Finland has begun investigating the case.
The value of bitcoin has increased lately. At the same time, fraudsters have also seen an opportunity to appeal.
The case the police are investigating now began in a telephone conversation from England. One person was called by a foreign company who announced that they can help with the purchase of the virtual currency bitcoin.
Spyware was installed
The person became interested and agreed on the offer.
After a while, the company asked to install a program on the plaintiff's computer to facilitate the trade.
- Now it seems that the software installed on the computer was a spyware. With the help of the emptied company, the person's account says criminal commissioner Jukka Paasio at the police station in southwestern Finland.
A Finnish person has been cheated on large sums in connection with the purchase of virtual currency bitcoin. The police station in western Finland has begun investigating the case.
The value of bitcoin has increased lately. At the same time, fraudsters have also seen an opportunity to appeal.
The case the police are investigating now began in a telephone conversation from England. One person was called by a foreign company who announced that they can help with the purchase of the virtual currency bitcoin.
Spyware was installed
The person became interested and agreed on the offer.
After a while, the company asked to install a program on the plaintiff's computer to facilitate the trade.
- Now it seems that the software installed on the computer was a spyware. With the help of the emptied company, the person's account says criminal commissioner Jukka Paasio at the police station in southwestern Finland.
onsdag 3 januari 2018
Signaturen Bot i Samhällsnytt :
USA bör ta bort allt bistånd till Egypten och Jordanien. Att betala dessa länder pengar för att de inte ska ta till våld mot Israel är som att betala beskyddarpengar till kriminella, det göder och stärker kriminaliteten.
Dessutom bör västvärlden stänga ned det enorma penningflödet från muslimer i västvärlden som skickas hem till klanerna. Den muslimska världen måste börja leva på arbete och produktion istället för på bidrag och bedrägerier från koloniseringen av västvärlden.
The United States should remove all aid to Egypt and Jordan. Paying these countries money for not taking violence against Israel is like paying crime money to criminals, it is guttering and strengthening crime.
In addition, the western world should shut down the huge cash flow from Muslims in the West, sent home to the clans. The Muslim world must begin to live on labor and production instead of contributions and fraud from the colonization of the western
Dessutom bör västvärlden stänga ned det enorma penningflödet från muslimer i västvärlden som skickas hem till klanerna. Den muslimska världen måste börja leva på arbete och produktion istället för på bidrag och bedrägerier från koloniseringen av västvärlden.
The United States should remove all aid to Egypt and Jordan. Paying these countries money for not taking violence against Israel is like paying crime money to criminals, it is guttering and strengthening crime.
In addition, the western world should shut down the huge cash flow from Muslims in the West, sent home to the clans. The Muslim world must begin to live on labor and production instead of contributions and fraud from the colonization of the western
måndag 1 januari 2018
About the witchunt.
Hi says:
I am a United States Marine Corps Veteran who supports President Trump 100 percent. Never has a President been subjected to so much hate and lies by the mainstream media and the Democrats. The more these "enemies" of the United States attack our President, the more entrenched my support for President Trump becomes !!!
Ich bin ein United States Marine Corps Veteran, der Präsident Trump zu 100 Prozent unterstützt. Noch nie wurde ein Präsident von den Mainstream-Medien und den Demokraten so viel Hass und Lügen ausgesetzt. Je mehr diese "Feinde" der Vereinigten Staaten unseren Präsidenten angreifen, desto fester wird meine Unterstützung für Präsident Trump !!!
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