tisdag 31 oktober 2017

Terroristdåd i Newyork


Toiletpaper can cause Healtproblemes.

According to doctors, toilet paper can cause wounds, for example.

According to experts, the use of wax paper does not clean properly and can also cause unhealthy health problems.

According to doctors, dehydration can cause a number of health problems such as ulcerations of anus and urinary tract infections, which, according to experts, may require up to 12 weeks to recover.

"I think it's confusing that millions of people go around with shit in the ass. The truth is that toilet paper moves feces but does not remove it, says Dr. Rose George.

Incorrect drying can also cause infections. This happens when a person wipes from behind. Thus he will be transplanted from the anus area towards the front of the bacterium.

According to experts, there is an option that you should benefit from. One way is to wash the seats after the toilet or alternatively you can wipe the places with a wet cloth. This is done, for example, by Will Smith, who uses cloths to dry.

Is PK just nuts.

Risking or sociaty for the sake of political corektness.


måndag 30 oktober 2017

The Deplorables have no Voice in the etablissment.

Sveriges befolkning får stå undan för nyanlända från Mena länderna.

The investigations about US presidentalelection. Russian interfierence and so on.

Svårt få in avvikande åsikter på svenska YLE, utan att censureras trots man tvingas betala rundradioskatt tills man emigrerar, bara de "rätta"åsikterna tenderas gå igenom censuren. Sannolikt hoppas  etablissimanget på för mycket, om det handlar om skatteoegentligheter som inte har med valet att göra. Man får inte ens skriva här att mycket förblev outrätt om Clinton. George Soros affärer, samnt alla hennes deletade e-mail. Finns ju alltid en nvicepresident om Trump åker dit, viktigast är att Hillary förlorade valet.

Difficult in diverging opinions on Swedish YLE, without censoring despite having to pay round-tax tax until emigrating, only the "correct" opinions tend to go through the censorship. Probably hopes the establishment is too much, if it is tax privileges that do not have the choice to do. You can not even write here that much remained untouched about Clinton. George Soro's business, including all her deleted e-mail. There is always a vice president if Trump fails for something irregular, the most important thing is that Hillary lost the election.


lördag 28 oktober 2017

måndag 23 oktober 2017

Sweden as rape country

Group Rape
• 90% of group violence is committed by men of overseas descent.
Every fourth rapist who acted as a group is Afghan.
• Swedish men with two native-born parents have committed 6.7% of
group violence in the last five years.
• Most rapists who acted in groups have been convicted in Ystad, Eksjö and
Uppsala. Göteborg is in 11th place, Stockholm 16th and Malmö 21st.

söndag 22 oktober 2017

AWESOME!!! Ex-muslim destroys leftist Islam defenders

Is Svenska yle fanatically pro-Islam

The ansver if serious is not fanatics just PK and left oriented.

Sedish Yle have a strict censorship, not differ from  the "oppiniontunnel" in Sweden. In sweden pk media are much similar to former kommunistcountries media. Even in Sweden u risk ur job if  You go outside that limit of freedom to speak that walls of the corridore limit. 
Svenska yle part of Finnish guvernment radio and TV for ex have same line as  Sydsvenskan in Malmö. As polish woman say on youtube its just for cleaning ass that paper. 



← The persecution of Christians in the Middle East in the 21st centuryHungarians stand up for Christians in the Middle East →
Posted on August 16, 2014 by emjot



Article only for adults!

The news of what is happening in northern Iraq, controlled by Islamic fundamentalists, is coming to Poland in a very narrow fashion. - Polish society is not aware of what is going on.

The light on that is throwing texts on our portal, by Wojciech Szewko, who knows the realities of those areas.

He wrote about the situation of Christians in the areas occupied by the IS. Here ISLAM - Christians in caliphate IS - ed. emjot ] - and the calf IS itself as Al Qaeda's plan . 

Nobody in Poland is aware of the scale of genocide and cruelty there is. - The materials we received are so drastic that we have been thinking about publishing them for over a week.

However, given our Polish experience with the WWII, Katyn and other places of our nation's martyrdom, we can not be silent in the face of such a monstrous tragedy.

There Christians, prisoners of war, peasants, Islamic ignorant and opponents of the Islamic Caliphate have their own Katyn.

Islamic fundamentalists make unimaginably cruel crimes. The only real aid to the needy is ... the Kurds who have decided to rearm the USA.

The EU and the US are essentially silent about the massacres.

The Kurdish rendition and the single bombing of the Islamists are nothing to do, as they are well equipped and armed with Iraqi army magazines from which they have acquired American equipment including the M1 Abrams and the Hamvee. At the moment it is well equipped and has about 45 thousand. an army that no one can stop.

Our heritage is derived from Christian tradition, and it owe it to us that now on the so-called. Some may afford atheism and even Christianity to challenge what many call freedom.

In the name of the so-called "freedom", the West is separated from religion. However, our tradition, our roots are in Christianity and this tradition we are guilty of.

In the name of this tradition and values, human rights and in thanks for the "freedom" that Christianity has given us, it is our duty to embrace these people, to give Christians what the Western world owes them.

You can not hide your head in the sand and pretend that nothing is happening.

Where the EU, where the US, where our Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Radek Sikorski?

Part of it is OUR WINES.

It is the EU together with the United States that has crushed a fragile balance in that region of the world, provided by nasty dictators, but, as they say, hell is paved with good intentions.

These good intentions led to the tragedy of these people. Their blood at least somehow stain our hands. Time plays a role, time to do something about it, otherwise this nightmare will spread to other Islamic countries.

A bloody monster has been created and must be stopped. Caliphate, which melt in the blood of innocent people.

You can no longer keep silent.

Below we publish pictures from the border of Iraq and Syria. We warn that we have not censored them, we have not shaded, we have not tampered with their content.

editorial office




Rocketmans Land, his people suffer from fucking dynasty

Ms Kim utsattes för svält och våld i fängelset. Vardagslivet präglades av nattliga genomsökningar och hjärntvätt. Nordkoreanska avhoppare på besök i Helsingfors berättar om övergreppen de flytt från.


Ms. Kim was subjected to starvation and violence in prison. Everyday life was characterized by nightly scans and brainwashing. North Korean bouncer visiting Helsinki tells about the abuse they move from.

lördag 21 oktober 2017

Subba kommer från städa

Subb är ett gammalt svenskt dialektalt ord för smuts, söl och sörja. En subba kallades den simpla pigan som serverade och städade upp på värdshus. Att subba betyder nämligen att städa.

Subb is an old Swedish dialectical word for dirt, sales and mourning. A subba was called the simpla maid who served and cleaned up at inns. That subba does mean cleaning.

lördag 14 oktober 2017


Who U choose Iran Or Trumps USA

All this negative attitude against everything Trump do is not healty to people, sour about Hillary not win election. He is peoples choice except some morons like Michel More  ;) People that would feel hehe better with shuffle in in nhand and do som work with their hands.😆😆 Obsession with Donald affect brains negatively.  

måndag 9 oktober 2017

Men trots kritikstormen verkar sjukvårdsdirektören Maria Dalemar inte ha ändrat sig: -Nej, tvärtom, säger Bernt. – Det har blivit en prestigefråga för dem ännu mer nu. Det är ännu viktigare för dem att bevisa att de inte gjort något fel.

Radio Sweden report

It seems time to write about some of Europe's history. Genetic research in Iceland shows that North American Indians probably stayed there about 1,000 years ago. Research points out at least 350 islands as descendants of a North American woman who lived in Iceland 500 years before Christoffer Columbus saw her first Indian.

When the researchers, through the genres of Icelanders, seek back in history, they find, among other things, women in the southern parts of the country whose descent can be traced back for a thousand years.

But their origin is not European or Greenland closest to hand. Without the traces starting among North America's Indians.

When Christoffer Columbus, without understanding himself, discovered America in 1492, North Africans had already been there about five hundred years earlier. The islander Leif Erikson resident in Greenland had landed in several places and also founded a small colony called Vinland.

lördag 7 oktober 2017

tisdag 3 oktober 2017

Spain, Mene mene tekel upharsin

Gråskägget behärskar inte situationen, därför borde han avlägsnas från sin maktställning.

söndag 1 oktober 2017

Allah verkar vara Djävulen själv.

MARSEILLE, France/PARIS (Reuters) - Two women were stabbed to death and their assailant shot dead by a soldier in the southern French port city of Marseille on Sunday in what officials described as a “likely terrorist act”.

Police sources said the suspect had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) in Arabic as he attacked the women, aged 17 and 20, at Marseille’s main railway station.

Two police sources said one had her throat slit while the other was stabbed in the chest and stomach.