Svårt få in avvikande åsikter på svenska YLE, utan att censureras trots man tvingas betala rundradioskatt tills man emigrerar, bara de "rätta"åsikterna tenderas gå igenom censuren. Sannolikt hoppas etablissimanget på för mycket, om det handlar om skatteoegentligheter som inte har med valet att göra. Man får inte ens skriva här att mycket förblev outrätt om Clinton. George Soros affärer, samnt alla hennes deletade e-mail. Finns ju alltid en nvicepresident om Trump åker dit, viktigast är att Hillary förlorade valet.
Difficult in diverging opinions on Swedish YLE, without censoring despite having to pay round-tax tax until emigrating, only the "correct" opinions tend to go through the censorship. Probably hopes the establishment is too much, if it is tax privileges that do not have the choice to do. You can not even write here that much remained untouched about Clinton. George Soro's business, including all her deleted e-mail. There is always a vice president if Trump fails for something irregular, the most important thing is that Hillary lost the election.
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