tisdag 8 september 2015

Are political leaders of Europe gone insane?

Om Löfen och &  får sin vilja i genom. förtas verkan av alla sparåtgärder.
Alla förstår att all hjälp borde ges i närområdet i stället för att beröva  tex Syrien på dess unga befolkning som behövs där när freden kommer.
Många experter har uttalat sig om detta men det har gott ett sorts emotionellt troll i media också.

Doesnt matter how  much for ex Finland  save to try save/stabiliace the economy, if  this massive wave of more or less people called refugees continue hit  Europe. It end up in a catastrophe with immence dimensions.

Meny experts and tinking people know  help in the areas  close  to  homelandof refugees  is the most effiency giving  step  to take.
Syria and other countries will need their youg people  to build the country when the  war once end. All war  end in this  case  Syria  maybe soon.

Media is not awake. Just victims of pk tinking delibarately or not deliberately. Today is  it rasistic to  tink clear.
Best help is  in the close  arias  where the camps is situated.

Lots people seem to be healty young men crossing on roads of Europe, fingering on their mobilephones with fingers  that  chose wich  one country they accept leave their fingerprints in.
Mostly where get easiest themoney.
Sweden and Gemany.
Those Leaders is the reason why so meny people drown on medityrainian sea.

 More than 100 yers ago my grandfather went USA  he not  go  to  a table  full of food. He  go to  work, to pay for his food. He had to work to get  money not any social money to live on.

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