onsdag 11 februari 2015

Iqbal Cheaf negotiator from Milf to Philippines senate

Översättning: Moro,bangsamoro,tell your story to the goat have bangs.

Iqbal maintained MILF is "against all forms of terrorism” and claimed they were not harboring terrorists Zulkifli Abdhir alias Marwan, the target of the operation, and Basit Usman.

“We have made a solemn vow to fight terrorism. It has no place in Islam...to tag MILF as terrorist group is unfair,” said Iqbal. 

Iqbal also lamented that while MILF was blamed for the deaths, they were not “credited” for saving other SAF men. 

“We were trying to save those men. They were already fired upon, 28 SAF are alive today because of the efforts of MILF,” Iqbal said. 

Christine Tan:

I guess its already pretty OBVIOUS to the entire world that these groups are just a bunch of criminals disguising themselves as freedom fighters. The way they killed our policemen who were just doing their job bringing to justice a well known international terrorist is just so APPALLING that no matter what they say we all know its just a BIG FAT LIE and they are just covering themselves from responsibility.

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