1. Anyone that applauds censorship is not a journalist, they're a propogandist.
2.Think about how many false stories they let circulate about Trump.
3.This situation should terrify Americans. The fact it’s so easily dismissed shows how far we’ve fallen.
1. Alla som applåderar censur är inte journalister, de är propagandister.
2.Tänk på hur många falska historier de låter cirkulera om Trump.
3.Denna situation bör förskräcka amerikaner. Det faktum att det är så lätt avfärdas visar hur lågt vi har fallit.
JFK Lincoln
för 10 timmar sedan
“First of all, Adam Schiff is seriously the most pathological liar in all of American politics that I have seen in all of my time covering politics and journalism. He just fabricates accusations at the drop of a hat the way that other people change underwear. He is simply lying when he just asserts over and over that the Russians or the Kremlin are behind this story.” – (Glenn Greenwald)
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