tisdag 29 januari 2013


Detta är hemsk läsning.
När människor är uppväxta och uppfostrade med traditioner som gör att de förlorar förnuftet, vansinnigt.


Ett hedersmord säger tingsrätten.
I dag dömdes den 17-årige mannen till åtta års fängelse.

 Honor Killing.

The name betrays the barbarity of it. There is really nothing of honor involved in the practice.

Each year, thousands of women, some as young as age 5, are killed by family members in an effort to protect the [patriarchal] honor of their families.

Often the cases are unreported, making it hard to get an accurate number. Often the perpetrators of the crime go unpunished and the society condones it as “just.”

Honor killings are common in religiously Muslim or traditional societies such as those in West Asia, India, Pakistan, etc. However, many honor killings occur in west societies such as England, Canada and the USA. Reports submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights show that honor killings have occurred in Bangladesh, Great Britain, Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Sweden, Turkey, and Uganda. In countries like Afghanistan, the Taliban government encourages the act.

The reason for honor killings can vary: to protect the honor of the [wronged] family, in very patriarchal societies where females are not just properties of the father or husband who can choose to punish or dispose of property at will, but they also carry the burden of the family’s morals and honor.

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