lördag 3 februari 2018

Comments some of meny about the memos.

Chris: I was thinking the same thing about releasing the memos, if the dems have nothing to hide, why did they all vote No on releasing them?? Why did Adam Schiff do everything in his power to block the memos from being released, what's he hiding??

Tom : Great job exposing this corruption, Rep. Nunes! But sadly, I have a sick feeling that this corruption will end up in the same trash can as the IRS scandal, Hillary's 33,000 missing emails and following cover-up, the DNC rigging the primaries, etc. You see, in the past we had a media that were the watchdogs for the American people. Now they've become cover-up artists! So sad!


He said he has full confidence in the rank-and-file within the FBI and Justice Department, but "there's something rotten at the head of this fish."

Huckabee emphasized an Aug. 2016 message in which Strzok wrote to Lisa Page: "I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office that there's no way he gets elected — but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40..."

He said that message -- which appears to reference top FBI deputy Andrew McCabe -- seemingly goes beyond a simple political opinion from Strzok.

"This is an intent to stage what essentially amounts to a coup d'etat of the highest elected office in the United States of America," he said.

Rosenstein said the Justice Department inspector general is conducting a full review of the messages.


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